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  4. Ice Cubes Machine
Dar es Salaam, Ilala, 2 hours ago

Commercial 25kg/Day Ice Cube Machine

Brand New
Store address
Dar es Salaam • Ilala
Kariakoo, Aggrey/Livingstone street, Block No54
Google Map @Klever Kitchenware
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 09:00-18:00
Rapid Ice Production Unrivaled ice production speed ensures a constant supply, ideal for demanding commercial settings such as bars and restaurants. - Adjustable Ice Thickness Tailor ice to perfection with customizable thickness, offering a unique level of control for various applications. - Automated Nighttime Operation Overnight scheduling guarantees a full ice bin when you need it most, enabling uninterrupted service during peak hours. *FEATURES* * 25kg capacity, per day * Ice cube size setting * Water filter inside * Suitable for commercial uses
Commercial 25kg/Day Ice Cube MachineCommercial 25kg/Day Ice Cube MachineCommercial 25kg/Day Ice Cube Machine
TSh 1,000,000
Fixed price
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