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Dar es Salaam, Ilala, 1 day ago

Organic Black Seeds 1kg Bulk

Store address
Dar es Salaam • Ilala
Kariakoo,Swahili & Mafia Street
Black seeds are known by several names including black cumin , black coriander , roman coriander , and black caraway 100% pure raw nigella seeds : harvested from nigella sativa , which is a flowering plant native to the middle east . the small black seeds have an aroma comparable to oregano with a slightly spicy and nutty flavour flavor nutty and slightly . peppery flavor , together with a crunchy texture , making them a perfect addition to your favorite recipes . they are fresh . versatility : nigella seeds are widely used as a spice . have nutritional benefits black cumin seeds can be tossed into a salad , incorporated into delicious smoothies eaten raw or mixed with a spoon of honey for a quick nutritional boost . add to flavor your bread natural smoothies and yogurt for a alternative . weight 1kg
Organic Black Seeds 1kg BulkOrganic Black Seeds 1kg BulkOrganic Black Seeds 1kg Bulk
TSh 20,000
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