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All Tanzania
Price, TSh
Under 15 K
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15 - 300 K
• 35 ads
300 K - 1.2 M
• 58 ads
1.2 - 4.1 M
• 36 ads
More than 4.1 M
• 7 ads
TSh 200,000
6-12 months Female Mixed Breed Golden Retriever
Golden retriever X japanese splitzs Age:11 month Sex:female. Adorable & Companion. Vaccinated
TSh 3,000,000
1-3 months Female Purebred Boerboel
This puppy is available for import from South Africa vet checked 14weeks
TSh 120,000
3-6 months Female Mixed Breed Shih Tzu
Maltese x Shi tzu mixed breed Meet cookie 5 months old, extremeley friendly and likes treats....
TSh 250,000
1+ year Female Purebred Maltese
Maltes Pupy 1month old female &male
TSh 2,000,000
1-3 months Male Purebred Himalayan
Very beautiful Himalayan kittens available for new home
TSh 20,000
Pet Fish and Aquariims
Different types of petfish available at a good price
TSh 1,800,000
6-12 months Female Purebred Boerboel
Vaccinated,dewormed,good healthy,properly feeded ... well maintained... we sell healthy dogs with...
TSh 700,000
1-3 months Female Purebred Boerboel
Pure boerboel puppies (female)
TSh 75,000
1+ year Male Mixed Breed German Shepherd
Great around kids and great for a watch dog. He is trained already. Safe family dog
TSh 200,000
6-12 months Female Purebred Japanese Spitz
Spitz Jike 8months 200,000 Potty trained Vaccinated Dar
TSh 5,000
Pregrancy Test Kit
Pregrancy Test Kit Pregrancy Test Kit
Bulk prices
TSh 15,000
Petfish/Samaki Wa Mapambo
Petfish.different breeds available at a good price
TSh 100,000
3-6 months Female Mixed Breed Chow Chow
Mbwa nimkali nimuelewa anakili anatambua mtubaya na mzuri
TSh 1,500,000
3-6 months Female Purebred Rhodesian Ridgeback
Well maintained,initially training,Vaccinated,dewormed,good dog for hunting and camping,parents are...
TSh 350,000
6-12 months Female Purebred Maltese
Maltese Jike 7+ months Vaccinated Dar
TSh 350,000
1-3 months Female Purebred Maltese
MALTESE PUPPY | 350,000 | +
TSh 700,000
3-6 months Female Purebred German Shepherd
Male and Female German shepherd pure breed, almost 4 months old. Vaccinated and ready for new home....
TSh 250,000
1-3 months Female Purebred Japanese Spitz
Pure White puppies with vaccination cards
TSh 25,000
Heater Za Joto Kwa Vifaranga
Hizi ni heater maalum kwajili ya kulelea vifaranga na kuwakinga na baridi ... heater hizi ni nzuri...
TSh 450,000
3-6 months Female Purebred German Shepherd
German shepherd Male and females 3 months Dar
61 - 80 of 147 results